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Neurological Physiotherapy

  • MapleCare Physiotherapy | Neurological Conditions
  • MapleCare Physiotherapy | Neurological Conditions
  • MapleCare Physiotherapy | Neurological Conditions

What is Neurological Physiotherapy?

Neurological physiotherapy treats patients with neurological conditions, which are movement and functional disorders caused by impairments affecting the brain, spinal cord and the nervous system. Some of the conditions that we treat include:

Benefits of Neurological Physiotherapy

Many patients with neurological conditions struggle with a loss of range of motion or function, muscle weakness, decreased balance and stamina, which may severely affect their daily routines. Targeted to improve strength, movement, balance and coordination, neurological physiotherapy works by stimulating the nervous system through various activities and exercises. Not only does neurological physiotherapy help with a patient's mobility related disorders, it also helps them gain a better outlook and confidence on their conditions by improving their overall quality of life through:
  • Better balance and coordination
  • Improved walking
  • Optimized function on affected areas
  • Increased stamina and endurance
  • Increased strength and less tension in affected muscles
  • Reduced contractures
  • Optimized independence

Our Neurological Physiotherapy Team

Based in Ottawa, our neurological physiotherapists at MapleCare are dedicated to working with you to help you achieve your individual goals.
  • Experienced and caring physiotherapists in Ottawa Our physiotherapists team in Ottawa is dedicated to continuous learning by engaging in effective training to improve skillsets and understand the latest evidence-based practices.
  • Individually tailored treatment Treatment is performed through one-on-one care and customized according to your condition and goals. Our physiotherapists will work together with you by assessing your condition and providing progressive evaluation during treatment.
  • Accessible clinics Located in different parts of Ottawa, our three clinics are accessible by public transit with free parking available.
  • In-Home Visits You can also benefit from our in-home sessions if you are not convenient to leave your house. Our home visits are available for patients in Ottawa and its surrounding areas
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