We have physiotherapists who are authorizers of the Assistive Devices Program (ADP) and can perform ADP assessments for rollator (wheeled) walkers.
Do you need a rollator (wheeled) walker?
The Ontario Ministry of Health provides an excellent program to assist with funding for wheeled walkers, through their Assistive Devices Program (ADP). This program is "needs-based" rather than being "means-based". So, your income won't disqualify you from getting the assistance you need to get a wheeled walker. However, you must be assessed by a health professional trained and authorized by the ADP program and complete the application process.
If you have extended Health Benefits, the cost of the physiotherapy assessment and the client portion of the walker fee may be partially or fully covered. A doctor's prescription is not necessary to participate in the ADP program or the physiotherapy assessment but may be required for your health claim. Check with your benefit provider prior to having the assessment and purchasing the walker. Contact us for more information on the application process you must complete to get funding assistance.